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Nothing Sweeter than Beating Yankee Fans - VIDEO

June 23, 2009 By Matt Meltzer in Miami: Local News  | 10 Comments


The Marlins took two out of three from the Yankees this weekend. And had you been listening to the game on the radio, you would have guessed the games were in New York. Marlin fans, such as we are, don’t tend to make it out to the ballpark too much, so when the Yanks come to town the crowd tends to heavily favor the away team. And that, friend, is why a victory over a New York team is the sweetest victory a South Florida sports fan can have.


Because all year, all we are subjected to are endless rants about how great the teams are back home. About how our city is such a terrible sports market and our local teams are a joke. All year it’s Yankees this and Jets that, Knicks this and Mets that. And when it comes time for the teams to actually put their money where their fans’ mouths are, the crowd is usually decidedly pro-New York. New York fans in South Florida have opposing forces to work against, so their inherent obnoxiousness becomes even more pronounced. They have that contrarian attitude of a visiting fan, combined with the group validation a home fan. It’s really the worst of both worlds.


And then, the good guys win. Then the “joke” team with a total payroll less that their third baseman’s salary takes two out of three games, and all their braggadocio and swagger is exposed as fraud. The television cameras show New Yorker after New Yorker looking down and defeated, crying in their Jeter jerseys . You can almost hear the New York accents saying, “Ahhh, the frigign Mawlins? How we lose to da figgin mawlins? Dey’re a firggin’ joke! Get some class!”



And while professional athletic success is never an accurate correlation to the quality of a city (Pittsburgh won two championships this year, for chrissakes) it does make New Yorkers shut up for a little while. It does give you one nice piece of ammunition when a New Yorker starts barking on and on about how their hometown is so much better in every way.  Oh yeah, Guido? Who won the 2003 World Series? So I guess maybe you AREN’T the premiere team in all of sports, are you?


A South Florida sports win is always a win for the little guy, even if our team is the favorite. The fans are always against us, even in our home stadiums, and any win for Miami is a rejection of New York. At least for the time being. So I will revel in the Marlins series win over the New York Overpaid Crybabies. It just goes to show that a team that averages 15,000 fans a game and pays players the league minimum can be better than a team full of supserstars. And that bragging about how everything you have is better, is quite often proven to be grossly inaccurate.


Related Categories: Sports Miami: Local News,

About the Author: Matt Meltzer is a featured columnist at Miami Beach 411.

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10 Comments on

"Nothing Sweeter than Beating Yankee Fans - VIDEO"

Aaron in Miramar says:

What do you mean OUR city and OUR team?  I didn’t see anything in here about the Florida Gators or the Gainesville High Hurricanes.

A) “And had you been listening to the game on the radio, you would have guessed the games were in New York. Marlin fans, such as we are, don’t tend to make it out to the ballpark too much, so when the Yanks come to town the crowd tends to heavily favor the away team.”

- I don’t know what North Florida transistor radio based station you were listening on but the game I went to was at worst a 50/50 split between fan bases.

B) “It just goes to show that a team that averages 15,000 fans a game and pays players the league minimum can be better than a team full of supserstars.”

- Marlins attendance is averaging just below 19k fans per game ( which you probably could increase by about 5-7k per game if they had a roof and didn’t play in a “centrally located” wasteland. The current number is still bad and puts them 3rd from last but it isn’t 15k per game.

C) “And while professional athletic success is never an accurate correlation to the quality of a city (Pittsburgh won two championships this year, for chrissakes) it does make New Yorkers shut up for a little while.”

-Pittsburgh is a great city with crappy weather (see Chicago without the inferiority complex and being stuck in the midwest)’s_Most_Livable_Cities

D) Aside from the complimentary edit job, everything else presented here is right on. Screw every transplanted New Yorker that actively roots against the goddamn teams from the area that they FREELY chose to relocate to from that “paradise” that is the tri-state area.  You add nothing to this region and only serve to personify “addition by subtraction” if you ever get the cojones to actually move back to Strong Island.

Posted on 06/23/2009 at 5:41 PM

Aaron in Miramar says:

Btw, your link is broken.  Try this one:

I like to pause it right at the 12 second mark.

Posted on 06/23/2009 at 5:42 PM

Gus says:

Aaron, thanks for pointing out the broken link. I replaced the video with your suggestion.

I also made a picture at the 12 second mark:

I love crazy sports fans!

Posted on 06/23/2009 at 6:50 PM

Joe says:

Im not a marlins fan but i hate hate hate the Yankees. It always brings a smile to my face when i hear that they lost a game to whoever. On that note…. Go Braves!

Posted on 06/23/2009 at 6:59 PM

Aaron in Miramar says:

HAHAHA!  That pic is great.  That should be made into a t-shirt and given out by the Marlins at their next promotional night.

Posted on 06/24/2009 at 3:58 PM

Marilyn says:

I don’t know whats the big deal? I have nothing against the yankees or new yorkers.You want to hear obnoxious, go to boston. Their way worst even doing witch craft just to win games against the yanks.People need to stop hating
Talk about pathetic.

Posted on 06/24/2009 at 4:57 PM

Laurie says:

Matt, I’m starting to wonder where your issue with NYers comes from…

Posted on 06/25/2009 at 10:01 PM

Aaron in Miramar says:

Laurie- Not that anybody that has spent any considerable time on Miami Beach needs justification to draw these conclusions about the New Yorkers that choose to visit and relocate here BUT:

back in ‘01 Matt was served some bad pizza by transplanted Cuban New Yorkers that put extra cheese and pork on his slice EVEN after he specifically requested only “saucy bread”.  They refused to take his order unless he placed it in Spanish, turned the Knick game up extremely loud while he attempted to make the special request, made fun of him for his perceived anti-Latina prejudices and mocked him about the quality of bagels in both Miami and Seattle versus NYC.  They then had his Saturn towed as he ate said slice while calling every business in South Florida alerting them to the fact that his espanol is not proficient enough to ever be considered a viable candidate for any position EVER.  This was after they advised him that they have the hookup at every club (in which they pronounced in the possessive form) and that is his musical taste is lacking for not appreciating reggaeton. They then autograted his check for 25%. 

Can you blame him?

Posted on 06/27/2009 at 3:02 PM

Matt Meltzer says:

Please don’t ever remind me of that day again. You left out the part where I sat in never ending traffic both ways on the way to the tow yard because an old Cuban woman and a young guy from Kendall in an Accord had gotten in an accident and made no effort to get off the road, while the police never showed up.

Posted on 06/28/2009 at 9:25 PM

Jimmy D says:

I am a fan of anything anti yankees but the marlins fans or “phony fans” as i like to call them are a disgrace to baseball and everything it stands for.  Never in my life until coming to “dolphins stadium” or Jimmy Buffet stadium, or whatever the hell they decide they are gonna call it this week, have i heard actual soccer chants at a baseball game.  Soccer chants are fine, when there is an actual soccer game happening.  If i had the choice between free marlins tickets or a route canal, i would choose the route canal every time.  I come from a real sports city where the fans make the game what it is.  The fans here are almost as bad as tampa bay fans that still have the tags on their newly purchased hats in jerseys, just in time for a failed playoff run.  I hate the marlins and i hate their fans.  I even hate billy the marlin and if i catch him out somewhere he is in trouble too.

Posted on 06/29/2009 at 10:28 AM

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