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5 Crazy New Workouts You Can Do in Miami Beach

From Banging on Drums to Yoga on a Paddleboard, Miami's Got Some Crazy New Workouts


Staying in shape on vacation isn’t just for that obsessive friend you have that eats paleo and wakes up at 5am to run half way to Texas. In Miami - a city in where the place you work out is more important than the place you work - exercise is actually PART of the vacation. Much like we’re on the cutting edge of nightlife, fashion, and Medicare fraud, so are we on the cutting edge of exercise. And while we still have plenty of option for traditional workouts while you’re here, there’s also a bunch of intense, innovative exercise classes that are open to the public and a great new thing to try while you’re here.

Stand-Up Paddleboard Yoga
Marriott Stanton South Beach (Pool) - 161 Ocean Dr. 305-536-7700
The Standard Miami (Bay) - 40 Island Avenue; 305-673-1717
In what seems like the fitness equivalent of trying to balance an egg on a spoon while ridin a jackhammer, South Beach fitness enthusiasts have taken the already-demanding sport of stand-up paddleboarding and made it juuuuust a little harder. So once you’ve figured out how to hold your balance on a narrow board, start doing some yoga poses. You absolutely 100 percent WILL fall in the water, so if you want to feel a little safer, hit up the Stanton Marriott South Beach and set a time to do it in the pool. Feeling a little more adventurous? Head out onto the bay for a class at the Standard.
Cost: $40 at both locations


Pound Fit
Crunch 1259 Washington Ave. 305-674-8222.
Think about it: You never see any fat drummers, do you? No. That’s because pounding sticks for hours at a time is a lot more of a workout than, say, standing around playing bass. This Animal-inspired workout has you pounding the mat with your own set of drumsticks for 45 minutes, all while doing painfully long isometric holds of squats, lunges and crunches. Just be forewarned much like at a real rock concert, this can get REAL loud, and if you don’t wanna end up deal like Ozzy Osborne you might wanna pack some earplugs.
Cost: $30

Rooftop Water Aerobics
Sense Beach House 400 Ocean Dr. 305-538-5529
Once upon a time, when you said “Water Aerobics” in South Beach images came to find of varicose vains and one pieces slowly pushing foam noodles through a retirement center pool. Oh, the 80s, we miss you. Now it means going to a swanky rooftop pool in a considerable smaller suit and doing hard core core taining with water resistance Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. and working on your tan at the same time.
Cost: $30

Fly Barre
FlyWheel 1919 Purdy Ave. 305-763-8227
If you’re trying to get your heart racing, sweat profusely, and listen to Miami’s trademark library of cutting edge electronic music, you’ll usually have to do some things that might be considered unhealthy.  Except at FlyBarre, where the music rivals what you’ll hear in any club, but they have you doing the excessively-difficult ballet0inspired barre exercises, mixed in intervals with resistance bands, heavy balls, and high rep, low weight weight-traning.  Of these five, FlyBarre will leave the the sorest and also feeling the best.
Cost: $25


AntiGravity Yoga
Crunch 1259 Washington Ave. 305-674-8222.
Since doing yoga on the ground has pretty much jumped the shark, you’re gonna need to find a new place to do it if you’re going to be impressing anybody. Soooo…how about IN MID AIR?? This class will have you wrapped in fabric dangling from the ceiling like a cross between a caterpillar and Cirque du Soleil, doing yoga poses with the added difficulty of maintaining your balance while hanging from the ceiling. They say it’s supposed to improve your sex life,  so go ahead and draw your own conclusions on that.
Cost: $24

And if you happen to be here….

Once a month, the James Royal Palm teams with a local fitness studio or gym (possible one of these) for a monthly wellness day. Whether you’re a hotel guest or not, you can head out to their pool deck at 9 a.m. for a free group exercise class overlooking the ocean, then enjoy some free after-workout health food, mini spa treatments, and get a $25 gift certificate to Renew the Spa just for showing up.

Related Categories: Miami: Travel News, Miami: Things to Do,

About the Author: Matt Meltzer is a featured columnist at Miami Beach 411.

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